Stop shaking your heads in disbelief G.O.P.ers and pay attention. Your campaign was dead on arrival before it even started. Beginning with Barack Obama's election and continuing through the 2012 Republican Primaries, the Grand Old Party effectively and efficiently alienated or disregarded almost everyone in America who was not a white male. You say the 2012 Election wasn't about race? Okay, how about this? It was about everyone who the G.O.P. pissed off during the last four years while trying to unseat the President. It was about people standing up and shouting out loudly, "Hell No We Won't!!" (to paraphrase House Speaker John Boehner) to the relentless anti everyone else assault by the Republican Party. Oh, Great White Fathers, it is time to change your feathers or you will never fly again. Still don't get it? Check this out, take a look at the Voters Nationwide and the Key Groups that voted for Barack Hussein Obama.
93% of Black Americans. No surprise here, there was absolutely NO effort from Republicans to woo blacks at all. After all, pundits (and loudmouths) like Rush Limbaugh have been telling Republicans that blacks voted for Obama because of racial pride alone. As if the fact that Black Americans have a higher infant mortality rate, a shorter life span, less health insurance, less wealth, higher unemployment and extraordinary incarceration rates was enough to go running to the polls to vote Romney Ryan, whose policies oppose any remedy for all of the above mentioned, into office. Plus, the G.O.P mouth pieces and their audiences, are convinced and believe that Blacks are on welfare, use drugs and committ crimes when wearing hoodies. This is a no brainer folks. As (ugh) Kanye West said of G.W. and the Republicans after Katrina, they "don't care about black people" Got that right.
71% of Hispanic Americans and, by association, (according to the G.O.P political pundits and mouthpieces), illegal immigrants voted for Obama. Hmm, I wonder why? Former Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich said, "Spanish is the language of the ghetto". That's an esteem builder and vote grabber for sure, but I'm sure that Arizona's so called 'Papers Please' law had a little something to do with it too. Question. How do you tell an illegal immigrant from Scandinavia? Or Canada? (although they are quite happy with their "socialist" Government healthcare) Answer, you don't! Arizona's law was targeted to identify illegal brown skinned people. The Republican immigrant policy proposals seem to have no problem with any other illegals say from Israel, Russia, Norway or anywhere in Europe. Not a problem, but those damn low wage restaurant, construction, domestic and agricultural workers of latino heritage, now that's a different story! And by the way, who are those low wage latino workers paid by? Oh yea, (mostly white) business owners. Like that great 'Westside Story' (immigrant) song composed by Leonard Bernstein and Stephen Sondheim says, "Life is alright in America, if you're all white in America"
70% of Asian Americans voted for Obama. Didn't see that coming? You probably missed Rush Limbaugh speaking "Chinese" on his radio show. What a freakin' disgrace Perhaps the G.O.P. didn't seem to notice the 'Linsanity' in New York and the thousands of proud Americans who were more than happy to see our society become more aware of it's rich diversity. Too bad Mitt chose to use one of the most ridiculous and racially biased commercials ever to completely alienate Asian Americans one month before the election. You know the one where an ominously evil Chinese Leader teaches his student comrades all about the fall of Capitalism. In the end they are all laughing as it is revealed that China owns America. TV Ad Not a good look if you expect those same Chinese Americans watching the commercial to vote for you. Just saying. Reminds me of that line in 'Do the Right Thing' when the Korean store owner admonishes rioters not to destroy his store by shouting, "I'm Black too!"as it becomes obvious that they (Republicans) don't care about "yellow" people either.
67% of Unmarried Women (aka "sluts" as described by a certain G.O.P. mouthpiece), voted for Obama. Why else would they need Birth Control or Planned Parenthood if they were not? Rush Limbaugh's "slut" commentary As the Great White Republican Fathers recently told America; an aspirin between the legs is just as effective (in preventing rape), and that a woman's body has the ability to "shut that whole (pregnancy) thing down" in cases of legitimate rape and, If in such rape cases, a woman does get pregnant, it's inevitably "God's will". And, just to be certain that a woman did indeed (miraculously) conceive after being raped, a vaginal probe will be inserted if she lives in the state of Virginia. Virginia, Vagina!? Coincidence? As if that wasn't enough, how many Republicans voted in favor of the Equal Pay for Women (Lily Ledbetter Act)? All of the Congressional Republicans, with the exception of seven G.O.P. lawmakers, did not believe that such a Bill was even needed. Huh? So much for Equal Rights in America. Anyway, any Republican worth their weight in the gold standard knows that it's the American Family that matters most! Not single working mothers raising their kids with the assistance of welfare and food stamps. Humph! (As if such a child could ever rise to become something as lofty as the President of the United States). Hey, those single parent "poor" kids could be working as janitors cleaning schools, saving the state money. Good idea Newt!
60% of voters between the ages of 18 and 29 voted for Obama. (This one's easy). According to former Republican Senator Ric Santorum, "they're just a bunch of snobs" for wanting to go to college. There are good trade jobs available as anyone who watches 'Swamp People' and 'Moonshiners' knows. But no, they just want to spend all day and night sleeping outside in tents to "Occupy Wall Street" No self respecting Republican child would ever be associated with the "Liberal scum" protesting in Ducati Park. Besides they're really just a bunch of lazy unemployed kids who want to stay at home, play video games and live off of their parents thanks to Obamacare!
Well Republicans, it's pretty obvious to see what went wrong with your Political Party; you didn't invite anyone to it! "Too White, Too Old, Too Wrong" makes a terrible tee shirt and is not something to be proud of in an America that believes in this sentiment:
"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"